How to Actively Participate in Offsetting your Carbon Footprint with K – evermée


Climate crisis is probably one of the major concerns during the last decade. Globalization although it has provided us with many benefits and opportunities, it has also increased pollution and global warming. Even the flight for your dreamed vacation is potentially affecting our environment – Ouch! – However, as bad as it may sound, many human beings are also dedicating their lives to counteract the climate crisis in order to take care of our home and continue living in harmony with nature.

One of the major concerns is our carbon footprint. According to the IEA global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions rose by 6% in 2021 to 36.3 billion tonnes, their highest ever level. So.. how can we minimize or neutralize our carbon footprint? Many organizations and individuals are aiming to invest in offsetting carbon emissions by partnering with offsetting schemes. However, Klima has come to revolutionize with a long-term vision and commitment towards being climate positive.

Klima Infinity’s proposal

Klima Infinity helps organizations and individuals to store, retire, and hold custody over tokenized carbon credits. The vision of Klima is to go beyond carbon neutrality, and aim becoming climate positive by acting as a perpetual carbon offset accumulator. This means that not only an organization can offset their current and historic carbon emissions, they can own a piece of the Web3 carbon economy and help catalyze finance into high-impact sustainability projects globally.

What does it mean to achieve carbon neutrality? Measure and reduce emissions to the extent possible and compensate for any other emissions by retiring carbon credits. For example, let’s say that one employee at an XYZ organization is going to take a flight for a work trip. This person first, with the help of the tools used by Klima Infinity, calculates the total carbon emission of the trip. Then, in order to make the trip carbon neutral, using the carbon credits, the company can then pay to reduce carbon emissions somewhere else. 

  • While creating the B2B model, it is recommended to study your current customers and why they are already loyal to see what you can offer as part of their subscription. 
  • Benefits for signing up. What is the customer going to receive as they pay your subscription/membership? 
  • Think of testing your model with current customers to see if their needs are met. 
  • Take into account offering a no strings attached trial. Many companies give the opportunity of a free trial to their new/potential customers, as a way to start building trust. 
  • Be creative! A customer wants to feel like you take care of their needs in a proactive and creative way.
  • Benefits for signing up. What is the customer going to receive as they pay your subscription/membership? 
  • Think of testing your model with current customers to see if their needs are met. 
  • Take into account offering a no strings attached trial. Many companies give the opportunity of a free trial to their new/potential customers, as a way to start building trust. 

The Four-Step process for your organization to become climate positive 

One of the benefits of Klima is that it has developed a simple four-step process for an organization to start working towards their climate positive pledge. Plus, there’s assistance from Klima’s team to help with any step along the way. 

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